Enamel Boxes at the Mall Galleries

Enamel Boxes at the Mall Galleries

Last Wednesday I visited the Mall Galleries where my enamel boxes are on display in the Royal Society of Miniature Painters, Sculptors and Gravers Exhibition. I met up with my friend Valerie who visits the galleries around London far more frequently than me. Valerie was also a good friend of the late Anthony Phillips and I was glad for her support for this, my first, exhibition.


It was great to see my paintings in the exhibition with all the other miniatures. The enamel boxes were put into the sculpture category and were displayed at the back of the gallery in a glass cabinet, here's a photo:

Display cabinet with enamel boxes in

And here's a close up of the enamels:

enamel boxes displayed

And here's one of the proud artist!

Mark and the displayed art work

Right next to my boxes where some sculptures of ducks done by Philip Nelson, these scooped three awards! They were very good, and finely painted. Quite handy having an award winner next to my paintings as more people will make the effort to come and look in my general direction, albeit at the ducks!

I also met Gillie Hoyte Byrom, a fellow enameller, and viewed the three fine portraits of musicians that she was presenting at the exhibition. It was Rosalind (Roz) Pearson who introduced Gillie to me. Roz is an exceptionally tallented miniature painter whose landscapes I'm am quite envious of, espicially her ability to paint trees. I also saw the miniature portraits done by Elisabeth Meek and thought they were exceptionally good, I'm not surprised she's won so many awards. They were pretty inspiring and has given me the urge to improve for next time!

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