At the Heart of the Heat Exhibition

At the Heart of the Heat Exhibition

This photo of my enamel box is taken at the School of Jewellery, Birmingham UK, where it's on display in the Heart of the Heat Exhibition. I was there last Friday with my wife and son. We made quite a day of it, going to the Christmas markets in the centre of Birmingham, then going to see my sister and her partner for dinner before driving to Buxton to see my Mum, Dad and little sister.


The exhibition features work from many other artists using a variety of enamelling styles. Here you can see examples of cloisonné, champlevé, basse taille, etching, enamel painting, guilloché and some large enamel works. Here's the exhibition as seen from the first floor:

exhibition at the school of jewellery

You can see the school's forge in the background, what a great facility! Lastly, here's a pic of the proud artist next to the successful piece.

the artist and miniature painting

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