Reproduction of Saba with a Glass of Red Wine by Fabian Perez

Reproduction of Saba with a Glass of Red Wine by Fabian Perez

This shows the different stages in painting the reproduction of Saba with a Glass of Wine (original by  by Fabian Perez)


Part 1 of the reproduction miniature painting of Saba with glass of red wine

After the first firing, I didn't bother to smooth the dark background on this initial firing since when it's finished the background will be too dark to see any brush strokes.

Part 2 of miniature reproduction of Saba with glass of red wine

After the second firing. The brush marks on the dark areas are disappearing.

Part 3 of miniature painting reproduction of Saba with a glass of red wine

After the third firing.

Part 4 of miniature painting reproduction of Saba with a glass of red wine

After the fourth.

Part 5 of miniature painting reproduction of Saba with a glass of red wine

After the 5th firing. This is not the best photo, there's too much reflected light. Anyway, I only took one before I started painting again so it will have to do!

Part 6 of miniature painting reproduction of Saba with a glass of red wine

The final painting, I could have gone on to make the blacks even darker and it may have benefited the painting. Overall I'm pleased with the result, it's captured the sexyness of the original.

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