Category archives: Enamelling

Here's some of the enamelling work I've been up to!

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Three were accepted!

Three were accepted!

I got three of these accepted into the Royal Miniature Societies Exhibition this year at the Mall Galleries, London. I can't believe it! I didn't quite manage to get the chance to become an Associate Member of the Royal Miniature Society - if only I'd got the other two accepted....

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Royal Society of Miniature Painters, Sculptors and Gravers entries for 2018 exhibition

Royal Society of Miniature Painters, Sculptors and Gravers entries for 2018 exhibition

Here are my entries for the 2018 Royal Miniature Society exhibition. I've been busy with all manner of different things so I've just not managed to enter anything since 2013. Hopefully I'll get these five through the selection process!

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Cutting out Elliptical Plaques

Cutting out Elliptical Plaques

I got a commission to do some paintings onto an elliptical enamel plaque. The major and minor axis of the ellipse are to be 150mm by 90mm, respectively. The paintings are to be of a house in each of the seasons, so four paintings in all, and each one is to be inset into the seat of handmade bar stool.

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Making a watch case, the inspiration

Making a watch case, the inspiration

I've been interested in doing some watch dials for a while now. I've been inspired by some of these beautiful and amazing dials shown here. I'd like to explore making the watch case as well, as this will allow me to put some interest into the overall look and feel.

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Cloisonné Amazon Frog (Part 3)

Cloisonné Amazon Frog (Part 3)

My pallet tends to grow a bit, here is the state of things after I'm mid-way through the enamelling. It's best not to expand too much, especially for a graphical piece. Although, having said that, the Amazon frog is partially graphical and partially a painting so all rules are out!

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Simple Necklaces

Simple Necklaces

Some time ago I made some colour test strips of the enamel range from Milton Bridge (see Enamel Colour Test blog post). My wife was quite taken with these and wore one with a choker necklace. Since then I've given some away as presents. Here are some photos of Peridot Green, Dusty Rose and Cobalt Blue transparent enamel strips mounted onto a silver choker necklace:

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Fabergé-Style Egg

Fabergé-Style Egg

I had an interesting enquiry a few weeks ago to make a Fabergé-style egg. Initially the enquiry was about painting some miniatures on the base that would support the egg but expanded to include the whole piece.

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Enamel Cross Project (part 4)

Enamel Cross Project (part 4)

This is the fourth part of my enamel cross project, for the previous part see here.

I've just finished the lower section of the cross, here's how it looks now:

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