Category archives: Miniature Enamel Painting

All things to do with fine miniature painting in enamels

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Three were accepted!

Three were accepted!

I got three of these accepted into the Royal Miniature Societies Exhibition this year at the Mall Galleries, London. I can't believe it! I didn't quite manage to get the chance to become an Associate Member of the Royal Miniature Society - if only I'd got the other two accepted....

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Royal Society of Miniature Painters, Sculptors and Gravers entries for 2018 exhibition

Royal Society of Miniature Painters, Sculptors and Gravers entries for 2018 exhibition

Here are my entries for the 2018 Royal Miniature Society exhibition. I've been busy with all manner of different things so I've just not managed to enter anything since 2013. Hopefully I'll get these five through the selection process!

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Making a dial (part 1), making a forming die

Making a dial (part 1), making a forming die

I've got the beginnings of a watch case but, as of yet, no dial that I'm prepared to drill a hole in. I'm not going to put a hole into the cloisonné enamel frog!

My starting point is to create domed dials, this is because enamel miniatures typically require several firings and a domed dial will minimize warping. From fitting into the watch point of view, a flat dial would be easier but in the long term a domed dial will far superior for enamelling applications.

Warping is less of a problem for cloisonne (although still an issue) since the wires and counter-enamelling give the piece a greater thickness and structure that help to control warpage. However, I found a domed surface gives more interesting light reflections, it's more difficult to bend the wires over a domed surface but I got plenty of practice when I made these set of enamel doorknobs.


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Swindon Advertiser article on the Royal Miniature Society Exhibition

Swindon Advertiser article on the Royal Miniature Society Exhibition

Another good article by Barry Leighton for the Swindon Advertiser. I feel like a celebrity! Here is the online version. Well, there are no more exhibitions planned for a while, the next thing for me is to pass selection for the Guild of Enamellers Associate Craftsman in 2014.

The Fabergé of Freshbrook

The Fabergé of Freshbrook

I appeared in Monday's edition of our local paper, the Swindon Advertiser. The journalist referred to me as the Fabergé of Freshbrook (the region of Swindon where I live) to which I was over the moon. The article was stimulated by my getting all five entry pieces into the Royal Society of Miniature Painters Sculptors and Gravers annual exhibition. The journalist's name was Barry Leighton and he went out of his way to understand the enamelling process so he could write about it accurately. Here's a link to the online version

Enamel Boxes at the Mall Galleries

Enamel Boxes at the Mall Galleries

Last Wednesday I visited the Mall Galleries where my enamel boxes are on display in the Royal Society of Miniature Painters, Sculptors and Gravers Exhibition. I met up with my friend Valerie who visits the galleries around London far more frequently than me. Valerie was also a good friend of the late Anthony Phillips and I was glad for her support for this, my first, exhibition.

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Successful Entries for the Royal Society of Miniature Painters Sculptors and Gravers Exhibition

Successful Entries for the Royal Society of Miniature Painters Sculptors and Gravers Exhibition

All five of my entries for the Royal Society's exhibition have been accepted. This is really the best that I could have hoped for.

At first I thought that none of my pieces had been selected. Later I found all five codes listed on the Society's website under the Sculpture heading! I guess because these are enamel boxes they need to be exhibited in a similar way to sculpture.

Here's the five enamels with their titles:

Baby Orla (62mm x 82mm)

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