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Successful Entries for the Royal Society of Miniature Painters Sculptors and Gravers Exhibition

Successful Entries for the Royal Society of Miniature Painters Sculptors and Gravers Exhibition

All five of my entries for the Royal Society's exhibition have been accepted. This is really the best that I could have hoped for.

At first I thought that none of my pieces had been selected. Later I found all five codes listed on the Society's website under the Sculpture heading! I guess because these are enamel boxes they need to be exhibited in a similar way to sculpture.

Here's the five enamels with their titles:

Baby Orla (62mm x 82mm)

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Invitation to the Royal Society of Miniature Painters, Sculptors and Gravers

Invitation to the Royal Society of Miniature Painters, Sculptors and Gravers

Everyone is invited to the Royal Society of Miniature Painters, Sculptors and Gravers. With or without an invitation. I'll be going down on the 16th October.